Monday, May 30, 2011

A Spring to Hope

Here in Rochester, once the weather breaks from the cold dreary winter, it seems as if everyone uniformly comes out of hibernation for those first few rays of sunshine.  It is so nice to see people take a moment out of their busy lives to revel in the thought of spring and the idea of hope that comes with it.  I have to admit, it is one of my favorite times of the year and I am most definitely one of those individuals who takes a minute (or two) to soak it all in.

Here are some photo's that capture that feeling of hope and pure happiness that to me is the essence of spring.

Gang's All Here!



Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Pure Perfection

Perfectly precious... well at least the subjects of my pictures, not necessarily the photo's themselves!  One of my best friends had a baby this week and of course I brought my camera along for the occasion!  Now these photos are obviously taken inside, but they are better quality than what I have taken (inside) in the past.  My thought is that there is better lighting in hospitals than most other indoor locations (as there very well should be!).  Here are some moments I captured.

Surprise - it's a sweet handsome baby boy - and we couldn't be more blessed.

 Someone wasn't happy when we got there for our visit, but he tolerated us!
You can't keep your eyes off of his sweet face!
Lovely - just simply lovely.
 And I can't forget the proud big brother! Such a sweetheart, who can overlook this face!
Loving his Cars from his baby brother!
 I couldn't end without this sweet picture - Innocence at its purest.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Spring has Sprung

Well it's been a long time since I updated my blog, but I found it was hard to get motivated to take pictures during the cold dreary months that make up the Rochester winter.  Then add that to the fact that I haven't mastered the art of taking pictures inside and it leads to no reason to update!  But I'm back now and am planning to update on a regular basis.

Here are some shots from my nephew's first T-ball game.  I have to admit t-ball is a lot easier to shoot than other sports - there tends to be a lot more standing around and a lot less motion!
The star of the day mentally preparing for the game
Focused and ready.
Ready to run
Giving Center Field a try

Someone got a little bored out there...
Of course he learned from the best - his big brother

The change in weather has renewed my excitment, stay  tuned for more to come...